Friday 30 August 2013

Welcome to Deadman Wonderland

Following Funimation's DVD and Blu-ray release of Deadman Wonderland just gone July, I thought it be best to show people what they've been missing out on. From the creators of Eureka 7 the story follows a high school student named Ganta Igarashi. While in his class he notices a "Red man" as he describes floating outside the window, which is strange because they aren't on the ground floor! The "Red man" then uses he strange power to destroy the classroom including all the student except from Ganta, who is then taken victim by a diamond made of blood shot into his chest.

After a to be put simply unfair trail, Ganta is sent to the Deadman Wonderland correction prison on being sentenced guilty of murdering his entire class. Not to mention the Deadman Wonderland is also a theme park in which prisoners must participate in events and shows to earn cast points to buy food and other things. But it isn't quite that easy. One of the events prisoners can participate in is the Dog race show, where prisoners have to make it through an obstacle course with swinging blades, incinerators, and spikes so participants are face constantly by death, of course the visitors simply believe that part to be special effects. Oh yeah and there's another need for cast points, cast points are required for prisoners to purchase candy. Yes- candy, prisoners all have collars around the necks that slowly inject a poison that will kill them in three days, so prisoners must consume one piece of candy every three days since the candy contains the antidote.

Ganta soon learns that the "Red man" is actually here in the prison and is responsible for an event that took Tokyo off the face of the earth called the Red hole. This event is responsible for changing a lot of  the lives of the people of Tokyo, some who became prisoners of Deadman Wonderland. The same red diamond shot into Ganta's chest were enacted, causing a disease from the diamond to cause the branch of sin. The branch of sin allows the welder to control their on blood in different ways, some by shooting, forging a blade, or even a shield to protect the user. Deadman Wonderland takes advantage of this and created a game called the Carnival Corpse in which "Deadmen" the users of the branch of sin fight each other to win cast points, and the loser well... you'll just have to see.

There are quite of variety of characters in Deadman Wonderland, one to take note of is Shiro a pale white girl around the same age as Ganta. But the strange part is that she knows Ganta as a childhood friend but Ganta cannot recollect this. Her personality is unlike anyone else in Deadman Wonderland as she is carefree and almost childlike, but is willing to help Ganta in anyway she can.

The series itself is very interesting especially with the branch of sin as we see how people had been affected, even if they turn insane you feel sorry for them. The only problem is, it ends without resolving some issues such as who is this mysterious character, and what about-... This series is one that I really enjoyed watching and really deserves another series to cut off those loose ends except that seems very unlikely as the series wasn't very popular in Japan as the manga was, many fans were disappointed with content that was left out in the anime which made it lose marks. So what I recommend is do watch the anime series because even if it has made mistakes its still a really enjoyable one, but also read the manga too after you have finished because that seems to be the only possible way to see the story develop further. Well unless we get lucky.

Deadman Wonderland the complete series is now available on amazon on both Blu-ray:

and DVD:

Deadman Wonderland the manga is available here to read:

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