Sunday 25 August 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf

During Hyper Japan in June I came across the demo for Animal Crossing New Leaf, in which I remembered the joys of playing one of the previous quite a few years back. Which then lead to me buying the game just a few weeks ago, and you know what I generally don't care if people think I'm too old to be playing the game, or because I'm a boy as some have said.

Animal Crossing New Leaf as the previous games in the series have includes the features of owning your on house in a town in which you name, collect and grow flowers, fish and catch bugs for the museum or sell, and dig up fossils. As well as having the ability to design to an extent your own clothing, hats, and umbrellas. But now there's MAWR! :D

In this addition to the series as you may have already heard, you are made mayor of your own town in which you will decide the type of town you want it to develop into; with your own laws and public projects that add more to the town and the experience, rather than focusing completely on paying your loan for Tom Nook :l Oh yeah! There's also the ability to remodel your house's exterior to the theme you want with the help of your good old friend Tom Nook at Nook's Homes, but don't worry the general store is still there and is run by the family, And the Able sisters are still there too.There's a new entertainment venue now called Club lol; this venue is used by- you guess it K.K. Rider who plays both on his acoustic guitar with a range of new songs to collect, but there's also on some night DJ K.K. Rider so grab your friends and get on the dance floor! But wait there's one more feature to the Club lol, give fruit to the venue's owner Dr. Shrunk who will do his comedy act giving emotions to the player as usual.

Collecting things in animal crossing is second nature but now there's more nature out there to explore, grab your wetsuit and dive into the ocean! You can collect a variety of sea-critters like lobsters, octopuses and more.There's also the new a interesting feature of being able to visit the dream of another town and see what they've developed visiting either at random or if you have someone's dream address you can enter that in and visit their town. That's acts as a good source of inspiration for the casual players out their who want to develop their town, but just need that little kick to help.

There are many more additions to the game but that covers most. There's some much that anyone can do with this game if your a creative, make a diverse town themed to your inspirations that will dazzle other players and encourage them to develop their own town, or you could be the casual player that spends their time catching all the bugs and fish to save money to get the furniture you need to match the wallpaper.

Initially I dived into the game being the casual player, but I decided to incorporate my drawing skills and now I'm creating a Japanese themed city with zen gardens and wooden walkways, my park bench with flowers and with the Kingdom Hearts Emblem and Mario mushroom tiling, also with my favorite public works project the zen bell :3 And now I play it daily and love each and everyday of it.

 My Town is called Saiugu, and here's me dream address for any of those who want a little inspiration for you town or house. I'm still developing my town right now too so comment your dream address too if you want. :)

So even if your thinking about getting this game even ever so slightly, get it! You won't regret it at all.

Animal Crossing New Leaf is available on Amazon for about £25:

Also at the moment there is a limited edition Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS with the game per-installed if you haven't already got a 3DS:

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