Wednesday 28 August 2013

Nintendo 2DS?! Are you serious?!

Just a short while ago I found myself scrolling through my Facebook news feed to find someone sharing this introducing video to the Nintendo 2DS. Personally I watched the YouTube video sitting and laughing at the idea being rather pointless, then to my shock I went to the Nintendo official website to find that this video and this handheld is real.

Dear God Nintendo I know you have mad some pretty shitty handhelds in the past but this takes the prize. I really don't see the point into designing this- this- this speak and spell rip off! (Look it up it looks exactly the same). Apparently this handheld is able to play all current and future 3DS games in 2D!!! Wow Nintendo no one thought to turn off the 3D feature on their 3DS when their eyes are bleeding so why not buy a handheld which does it for us! Well its also able to play a majority of DS games and download DSI store games, but seriously what is the point to this I really don't see the need for this and the 3DS plays all DS games anyway. And its not even the concept of the device that's bad its even bad in the way it has been designed to be held and look, the point of having any DS is having the ability to take it out wherever you want to and be able to play on the go I mean that's what a handheld is right? So why is this thing design to be this block that isn't able to fold closed, fit in someone's pocket and even fit in someone's hand comfortably. Lately made apparent with the 3DS Nintendo is having a problem with designing comfortable handhelds, the 3DS really hurts my fingers if I play it for longer than an hour so imagine holding this. I can clearly see so many of Nintendo's customers complaining because they accidentally dropped it.

So what do you honestly think of this? Because if Nintendo honestly believe that releasing this on the 12th October this year is a good idea, then they are seriously going to have to come up with something big to make up for this mistake.

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