Friday 30 August 2013

Welcome to Deadman Wonderland

Following Funimation's DVD and Blu-ray release of Deadman Wonderland just gone July, I thought it be best to show people what they've been missing out on. From the creators of Eureka 7 the story follows a high school student named Ganta Igarashi. While in his class he notices a "Red man" as he describes floating outside the window, which is strange because they aren't on the ground floor! The "Red man" then uses he strange power to destroy the classroom including all the student except from Ganta, who is then taken victim by a diamond made of blood shot into his chest.

After a to be put simply unfair trail, Ganta is sent to the Deadman Wonderland correction prison on being sentenced guilty of murdering his entire class. Not to mention the Deadman Wonderland is also a theme park in which prisoners must participate in events and shows to earn cast points to buy food and other things. But it isn't quite that easy. One of the events prisoners can participate in is the Dog race show, where prisoners have to make it through an obstacle course with swinging blades, incinerators, and spikes so participants are face constantly by death, of course the visitors simply believe that part to be special effects. Oh yeah and there's another need for cast points, cast points are required for prisoners to purchase candy. Yes- candy, prisoners all have collars around the necks that slowly inject a poison that will kill them in three days, so prisoners must consume one piece of candy every three days since the candy contains the antidote.

Ganta soon learns that the "Red man" is actually here in the prison and is responsible for an event that took Tokyo off the face of the earth called the Red hole. This event is responsible for changing a lot of  the lives of the people of Tokyo, some who became prisoners of Deadman Wonderland. The same red diamond shot into Ganta's chest were enacted, causing a disease from the diamond to cause the branch of sin. The branch of sin allows the welder to control their on blood in different ways, some by shooting, forging a blade, or even a shield to protect the user. Deadman Wonderland takes advantage of this and created a game called the Carnival Corpse in which "Deadmen" the users of the branch of sin fight each other to win cast points, and the loser well... you'll just have to see.

There are quite of variety of characters in Deadman Wonderland, one to take note of is Shiro a pale white girl around the same age as Ganta. But the strange part is that she knows Ganta as a childhood friend but Ganta cannot recollect this. Her personality is unlike anyone else in Deadman Wonderland as she is carefree and almost childlike, but is willing to help Ganta in anyway she can.

The series itself is very interesting especially with the branch of sin as we see how people had been affected, even if they turn insane you feel sorry for them. The only problem is, it ends without resolving some issues such as who is this mysterious character, and what about-... This series is one that I really enjoyed watching and really deserves another series to cut off those loose ends except that seems very unlikely as the series wasn't very popular in Japan as the manga was, many fans were disappointed with content that was left out in the anime which made it lose marks. So what I recommend is do watch the anime series because even if it has made mistakes its still a really enjoyable one, but also read the manga too after you have finished because that seems to be the only possible way to see the story develop further. Well unless we get lucky.

Deadman Wonderland the complete series is now available on amazon on both Blu-ray:

and DVD:

Deadman Wonderland the manga is available here to read:

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Nintendo 2DS?! Are you serious?!

Just a short while ago I found myself scrolling through my Facebook news feed to find someone sharing this introducing video to the Nintendo 2DS. Personally I watched the YouTube video sitting and laughing at the idea being rather pointless, then to my shock I went to the Nintendo official website to find that this video and this handheld is real.

Dear God Nintendo I know you have mad some pretty shitty handhelds in the past but this takes the prize. I really don't see the point into designing this- this- this speak and spell rip off! (Look it up it looks exactly the same). Apparently this handheld is able to play all current and future 3DS games in 2D!!! Wow Nintendo no one thought to turn off the 3D feature on their 3DS when their eyes are bleeding so why not buy a handheld which does it for us! Well its also able to play a majority of DS games and download DSI store games, but seriously what is the point to this I really don't see the need for this and the 3DS plays all DS games anyway. And its not even the concept of the device that's bad its even bad in the way it has been designed to be held and look, the point of having any DS is having the ability to take it out wherever you want to and be able to play on the go I mean that's what a handheld is right? So why is this thing design to be this block that isn't able to fold closed, fit in someone's pocket and even fit in someone's hand comfortably. Lately made apparent with the 3DS Nintendo is having a problem with designing comfortable handhelds, the 3DS really hurts my fingers if I play it for longer than an hour so imagine holding this. I can clearly see so many of Nintendo's customers complaining because they accidentally dropped it.

So what do you honestly think of this? Because if Nintendo honestly believe that releasing this on the 12th October this year is a good idea, then they are seriously going to have to come up with something big to make up for this mistake.

Pokemon mega-evolutions

So most Pokemon fans must know by now about the mega-evolutions introduced in Pokemon X and Y, Nintendo did early release Mega Mewtwo but most fans took it as a normal evolutionary stage which was a surprise when the mega-evolution method was released August's issue of CoroCoro.

Mega-Evolutions unlike the evolutionary methods know to this point is very different. Much like Digimon this form of evolution is temporary and requires a form of mega stone for different Pokemon in which they hold, the effects wear off after the battle (So kinda like Red using the fire, water, and thunder stones in the manga with Eevee). So far there are seven release mega-evolutions:

MegaMewtwo       MegaBlaziken         MegaLucario             MegaMawile        MegaAbsol
Type: Psychic        Type:Fire/Fighting  Type:Fighting/Steel   Type:Steel/Fairy   Type:Dark

MegaAmpharos            MegaKangaskhan
Type:Electric/Dragon   Type:???

Mega-evolutions have extremely increased powers and gain new abilities and in some of these Pokemons' cases, change or earn another type to them. MegaKangaskhan is the most interesting out of these as the baby in it's pouch jumps out giving it a unique ability to make any attack used affect twice. Considering the new EV training systems has come up this Pokemon is a clear must have for competitive fighting in which anyone will now be able to do.

 So what do you think of this new type evolution? Which of these Pokemon mega forms do you like most, and what Pokemon do you want to have a mega form? Personally I'd like to see one of Dragonite, as they have a new found weakness to fairy types.

Finally what is it you are looking forwards to most for Pokemon X and Y?

Monday 26 August 2013

Hyper Japan June 2013

This year's Hyper Japan was an exciting and an improvement experience over the past couple of years in which felt like the stalls were all the same, so it felt this year had more of a variety. I've been going to this event since it started in 2010, so I'm glad to be a part of the best J-Culture event available in the UK that is still growing to this day.

Demos, Gaming, and prizes

The first thing I noticed about this year's event is that there was more to do. Nintendo decided to hold a little collecting game by giving out passports to complete. Nintendo had set up a variety of game demos in which you would have to collect stamps by playing them and when completed were given a limited edition sticker for your 3DS, and the fun part was that Animal Crossing: New Leaf demo zone was themed as the town based in the game and had a photo booth were you can pose with the many tools of the series and post the picture on the town board, Pikmin was a slightly themed area too that had grass and Pikmin hidden in the grass.The demos included ;

Pikmin 3, I have played the previous in this series so it was interesting to try out the Wii U controller for the first time and to see how responsive it actually is- except with the Wii U controller its like playing the game on gamecube having a restriction on moving the courser. There was also a pick a Pikmin real life mini-game to get prizes, I lost. ;(

Animal crossing: New Leaf,  It was interesting to play the newest addition to the series as I had played the previous. There were a lot of interesting new features and as most know the most exciting is that this time you are mayor of the town and you make the choices in development and laws, with the rest of the other aspects there were in the previous games.

 Luigi's Mansion 2,  this was one of the demos I was looking forwards to most and I got to test out the mulit-player mode with a friend of mine, and it was a lot of fun and from what I've seen of the game so far Nintendo have really managed to re-capture the fun that everyone had in the original game with new features like a second flashlight to find hidden objects and new ghosts to hunt to.

 Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, I had already play the demo for this previously as it was available on the 3DS store to download (Having said that I was a little confused on the controls as I hadn't played the previous games). But with the help of my friend I was able to enjoy the game much better than my first time, but the monster we were versing took too many hits and knocked me out so does game require a vast amount of patience? Something I lack.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney- Dual Destinies, This was another demo I was looking forwards to playing as I am a fan other the series and I enjoy the in-depth story experience when the brain is put to the test. I didn't get to play it for too long but I find the new emotion matrix feature interesting it sort of reminded me of the perceive ability that Apollo Justice had in his game, but if you want more defensing and more wacky characters then this game is for you.

After finishing these demos I found another demo stand for the already release Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, this really excited me as I really wanted to get this game so I played a few rounds with another person with the extensive new range of characters from the manga. But it was on an Xbox so that was my downfall as I am not use to that control, I really sucked at that. -_-

Anime and manga galore 

Hyper Japan is notoriously known for the vast stall selling your favorite new released anime box sets, and the latest of the freshly printed manga, at a slightly lower price. I found myself rummaging through DVD to DVD,  manga to manga to find the series I watch and read that can't be found in stores anywhere else. This year also had a new stall selling a cosplayer's dream, weapon props (or is that my dream?) This stall sold offer hand forged real metal swords from your favorite anime like Renji Abarai zanpakuto, Cloud Strife's Buster sword, and even the Oblivion keyblade from Kingdom hearts :3

There's even a stall that sells handmade jewelery from movies and games such as Tony Stark's Arc reactor, Legend of Zelda pixelated pieces of heart, and Kingdom hearts on a necklace. The quality of these items is extremely have and are laser-cut to perfection.

Then you find yourself doing what any fan would and search through the piles of T-shirts to find one of Adventure Time, Bleach, Death Note or whatever it is you like to buy so you can make your fandum known to the world on a daily basis.


Cosplaying is a standard must do for this event, whether it be casually wearing or carrying a prop from a certain movie or series, or to the pro cosplayer hand making your own costume and building your own props and enter the cosplay contest as your favorite character. While I was there I saw both of those types of cosplaying, I saw characters such as Kuroko from Kuroko's Basketball, Monkey D. Luffy One Piece, Sora from Kingdom hearts, and even Fionna the Human from Adventure Time :3

I myself want dressed as Tobi from Naruto, as he is a hilarious character who changes to be the most fear enemy awesome.

The End of the line

Hyper Japan is a most go to for any anime, manga, J-culture fan out there. Its the chance to meet and share your love for everything Japanese, and here's a huge tip insure that you save your money for this event or your end up regretting it as there's a lot to buy and they may end up being a lot you end up missing out on.

I hope next year's Hyper Japan to be just as good or better than this years, and I hope to see many more fans at there to. :)

You can check out details for Hyper Japan's next event date and get tickets here:

Sunday 25 August 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf

During Hyper Japan in June I came across the demo for Animal Crossing New Leaf, in which I remembered the joys of playing one of the previous quite a few years back. Which then lead to me buying the game just a few weeks ago, and you know what I generally don't care if people think I'm too old to be playing the game, or because I'm a boy as some have said.

Animal Crossing New Leaf as the previous games in the series have includes the features of owning your on house in a town in which you name, collect and grow flowers, fish and catch bugs for the museum or sell, and dig up fossils. As well as having the ability to design to an extent your own clothing, hats, and umbrellas. But now there's MAWR! :D

In this addition to the series as you may have already heard, you are made mayor of your own town in which you will decide the type of town you want it to develop into; with your own laws and public projects that add more to the town and the experience, rather than focusing completely on paying your loan for Tom Nook :l Oh yeah! There's also the ability to remodel your house's exterior to the theme you want with the help of your good old friend Tom Nook at Nook's Homes, but don't worry the general store is still there and is run by the family, And the Able sisters are still there too.There's a new entertainment venue now called Club lol; this venue is used by- you guess it K.K. Rider who plays both on his acoustic guitar with a range of new songs to collect, but there's also on some night DJ K.K. Rider so grab your friends and get on the dance floor! But wait there's one more feature to the Club lol, give fruit to the venue's owner Dr. Shrunk who will do his comedy act giving emotions to the player as usual.

Collecting things in animal crossing is second nature but now there's more nature out there to explore, grab your wetsuit and dive into the ocean! You can collect a variety of sea-critters like lobsters, octopuses and more.There's also the new a interesting feature of being able to visit the dream of another town and see what they've developed visiting either at random or if you have someone's dream address you can enter that in and visit their town. That's acts as a good source of inspiration for the casual players out their who want to develop their town, but just need that little kick to help.

There are many more additions to the game but that covers most. There's some much that anyone can do with this game if your a creative, make a diverse town themed to your inspirations that will dazzle other players and encourage them to develop their own town, or you could be the casual player that spends their time catching all the bugs and fish to save money to get the furniture you need to match the wallpaper.

Initially I dived into the game being the casual player, but I decided to incorporate my drawing skills and now I'm creating a Japanese themed city with zen gardens and wooden walkways, my park bench with flowers and with the Kingdom Hearts Emblem and Mario mushroom tiling, also with my favorite public works project the zen bell :3 And now I play it daily and love each and everyday of it.

 My Town is called Saiugu, and here's me dream address for any of those who want a little inspiration for you town or house. I'm still developing my town right now too so comment your dream address too if you want. :)

So even if your thinking about getting this game even ever so slightly, get it! You won't regret it at all.

Animal Crossing New Leaf is available on Amazon for about £25:

Also at the moment there is a limited edition Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS with the game per-installed if you haven't already got a 3DS: