Tuesday 10 September 2013

Kuroko's Basketball

For one as myself who is not a fan of sports manga or even anime for that matter, Kuroko's Basketball or Kuroko no Basuke was an anime I surprising enjoyed watching. The original run of this anime television series began September last year, so Its actually a fairly new anime to watch. The story follows Tetsuya Kuroko, a young short blue haired boy who has just made his transfer from middle school to high school and decides to join the basketball team at Seirin High School. Another candidate for the first years basketball is Taiga Kagami a extremely tall red hair boy tranferred from the US. Kagami shows promising strength and skills in basketball, but from a quick analysis Kuroko seems like a weakling. Looks are deceiving as Kuroko possess the mysterious ability of misdirection, making it easier for him to quickly pass the ball without attracting any attention from the opposing team. Oh and it also turns out he's the "Phantom" sixth member of a legendary middle school basketball team nicknamed "The Generation of miracles".

So the main plot of the story is the Seirin High School Basketball team versing the individual members of the Generation of miracles in their new high school basketball teams. Kagami is determined to defeat all the Generation of Miracles with the help of Kuroko, by being Kagami's "Shadow". The two of them train hard for the championship in which the opportunity arrives to go up against all of the Generation of Mircales.

Watching this series you'll find yourself on edge by the opposing team about to score a hoop and then stopped with the amazing skill and fast pace of the basketball players. Now I've never been one for sports anyway, but watching Kuroko no Basuke I found myself exhilarated with excitement with each episode leading up to the series finale. The characters are funny at times but all have personalities that will make you like them, well Kuroko has a bit of a stiff personality or none for that matter but he's still a loveable character.

There is actually a second series of Kuroko no Basuke coming out on the 5th October which will follow the Seirin team versus the final two mysterious members of the generation of miracles, and some old ones too. For those who have already seen this series you'll admit that it is a must watch for those who like or even those who don't even like sports. So I give it high marks, so make sure to watch it before the new series arrives and we'll see Kurokocchi soon! :3

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